about illomen
illomen was first created on february 2nd, 2022. illomen's name is lovingly derived from pandora hearts, a reference to the children of ill omen (禍罪の子) and inspired largely by the series. it exists as a love letter to everything i love and a collection of little bits of my soul.
index: illomen's homepae
sitemap: you are here
update log: all site history

webmaster: who runs the site
blog: my personal blog
yumeship: self shipping pages
projects: things i'm working on
sewing: cosplay crafting log

pandora hearts: fanpage dedicated to pandora hearts
vanitas no carte: fanpage dedicated to vnc
crimson-shell: fanpage dedicated to crimson-shell
bookshelf: danmei & webnovels i've read & reviewed
reading log: where i record my live readings & thoughts on novels
reviews: anime & manga reviews

characters: characters i like
media: my favorite media
ships: ships i like
oshis: my vtuber oshis